THC Free

Perfect for those who prefer to steer clear of THC, this formulation offers potent relief from discomfort. It harnesses the power of CBD, CBC, and CBG, providing a comprehensive wellness solution without the psychoactive effects of THC. This formulation is ideal for those new to cannabinoids or those who undergo regular drug testing.

Starter Level

For those ready to explore the added benefits of THC, this formulation gently introduces the potential therapeutic benefits of THC, while maintaining high levels of CBD, CBC, and CBG. It offers a balanced approach to managing discomfort, providing a mild psychoactive effect along with enhanced relief.

Beginner Level

CBD + 2.5 MG THC Chew
For those ready to explore the added benefits of THC, this formulation gently introduces the potential therapeutic benefits of THC, while maintaining high levels of CBD, CBC, and CBG. It offers a balanced approach to managing discomfort, providing a mild psychoactive effect along with enhanced relief.

mid level

CBD + 5 MG THC Chew
Stepping up the THC content, this formulation caters to individuals who require more potent relief. The increased THC level amplifies the therapeutic benefits, potentially providing more effective management of chronic discomfort. It’s the perfect middle ground between gentle relief and maximum potency.

advanced level

CBD +10 MG THC Chew
For those seeking the most potent relief, this high-THC formulation maximizes the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids. With double the THC content of the 5mg formulation, it’s designed for individuals dealing with severe discomfort, offering the highest level of relief and relaxation among our offerings.

Benefits You Can Feel:

Support Joint Mobility: Move freely and without discomfort.
Reduce Inflammation: Our chews help alleviate inflammation.
Improve Sleep Patterns: Enjoy restful, rejuvenating sleep.

Crafted right here in the USA, our chews are GMO-free, vegan, gluten-free, and naturally strawberry-flavored. Because we believe that relief should taste good too.

What is the secret to success?

 SENDS. This Self-Emulsifying Nano-Delivery System transforms oil-soluble ingredients into water-soluble ones, making them easier for your body to absorb. It increases their stability and potency, ensuring you get more active ingredients per dose. Experience the revolutionary relief of our Multi-Cannabinoid Chew today. Because everyone deserves to live a life free from the constraints of discomfort